by | 2018/08/14

Due to the development of Science & technology, highly competitive of the optoelectronics industry continuously improves. The high contrast color and color rendering of the panel will affect consumer preferences and eventually their purchasing intention. GAMMA SCIENTIFIC is well-known for professional optical technology and color verification capability to provide the best color brightness inspection solutions for LCD, OLED and MicroLED display industry. As a result, Handheld Spectroradiometer & Display measuring solutions was born. It provides different options of receptor sizes to users to utilize in various measuring applications. In addition, LCD, OLED and MicroLED display measuring devices offer high performance analysis software and Universal Windows Platform SDK for free, which greatly fulfills the needs of users for specific applications and customized system solutions.

In addition, following the development of plant factories, horticultural LED quality measuring becomes more important. UPRtek PG100N PAR Meter is your best choice and it will help you monitor your LED light effectively. Now, just using UPRtek PG100N PAR Meter, users will understand the spectrum of LED grow lights, adjust the light source timely which increases the plant growth. Moreover, users can adjust the light quality promptly which increases the plant productivity and quality control through the technical parameters -PPFD & PFD. PG100N PAR Meter has won the international awards for its outstanding performance-2017 IES Progress Report, 2018 Reddot Product Design Award - Industrial Design Group and 2018 US Sapphire Award Finalist-Tools and Test in SSL Design.

UPRtek USA Agent - GAMMA SCIENTIFIC will take part in the international exhibitions and promote handheld spectrometer and spectroradiometer together. We will present the latest model and share the newest technical information to you. We sincerely invite you and and look forward to meeting you soon.

GAMMA SCIENTIFIC is famous for solid optical design experiences and product development for many years to offer the best testing devices/facilities with the fastest and competitive advantages for users. This year, they are honored to be recognized by the judges of 2018 LaseFocusWorld. The SpectralLED® RS-7 and GS-1290-NED Near-Eye Display Measurement System promoted by GAMMA SCIENTIFIC have won the Silver and Gold Award individually for Innovation Awards. In the future, GAMMA will share this honor with you and welcome your visit.

With over 40 years of expertise in developing LED testing instruments, GAMMA SCIENTIFIC is trusted by the world's leading organizations to provide accurate results with precision spectroradiometers, integrating spheres and goniometers.

■Exhibition Information:

■SPIE Optics + Photonics 2018

Venue: San Diego, CA, United States, USA
Booth Number:No.637
Exhibition Website:http://spie.org/exhibitor/details.aspx?expo=SPIE-Optics-%2b-Photonics-2018&name=Gamma-Scientific-San-Diego-CA&
Exhibitor Website:http://www.gamma-sci.com/uprtek-products/

■SID Display Week 2018

Date:22-24 May, 2018
Venue:Los Angeles Convention Center, USA
Booth No:No.405
Exhibition Website:www.displayweek.org/
Exhibitor Website:www.gamma-sci.com/gs-1160-display-measurement-system/









PG100N 手持式植物照明檢測計 (Handheld Spectral PAR Meter)旨在滿足農業領域的應用需求並結合自身量測優勢,如光譜圖(Spectrum)、植物生長參數(PPFD, PFD)等運用於植物應用工廠。提供業

PG100N 手持式植物照明檢測計

PG100N 手持式植物照明檢測計 (Handheld Spectral PAR Meter)旨在滿足農業領域的應用需求並結合自身量測優勢,如光譜圖(Spectrum)、植物生長參數(PPFD, PFD)等。

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MF250N 手持式LED頻閃計

MF250N 手持式頻閃檢測儀器-史上第一台具備分光光譜功能的手持式頻閃檢測儀器。 同時結合了FFT 光譜分析儀,Light Wave 分析儀和頻率分析儀。 MF250N 包含了3個關鍵的光源量測方案,協助照明專家打擊頻閃問題,確保光源品質。

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MK350N Basic 手持式分光光譜計

MK350N光譜儀是第一款便攜式LED專用量測儀,單機操作毋需連接電腦即可評估人造光源LED,OLED等。 另外,它可以輕鬆測量測光源參數CCT,CRI,CIE1931 / 1976和光譜分佈等。對LED製造商而言,它不只是光譜分析儀、同時也是LED專用量測儀。 它是一款用於 LED 製造的光譜分析儀和 LED 檢測計。

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MK350N Plus 手持式分光光譜計

MK350N PLUS 手持式分光光譜計-專為LED製造商設計的LED量測分析儀。 提供高達40多項的量測指數,如CCT、CRI、CIE1931/1976、LUX、TLCI等。 協助您在創新光學技術與綠能檢測應用上,能進一步分析與發現新商機。 對LED製造商而言,它不只是光譜分析儀、同時也是LED專用量測儀與頻閃計。

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手持式分光光譜計LED頻閃解決方案提供者,分光輻射照度計     UPRtek MK350N Premium手持式分光光譜計 MK350N Premium對LED製造商而言,它不只是光譜分析儀、同時也是LED專用量測儀與頻閃計。內建先進光譜分光技術,LUX量測範圍大躍進,整體量測結果更加精準,是您值得信賴的最佳幫手!     3.5”彩色觸控螢幕與全新圖示設計 介面簡潔明瞭,選單分類清楚,直覺式的icon操作,更貼近使用者偏好簡易、便捷的使用體驗。   頻閃,存在於所有光源之中...

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為什麼天空是藍色的 為什麼天空是藍色的呢?這是一個孩子們常問但父母卻總是答不上來的經典問題。在這篇文章裡,我們會讓你變成了解天空顏色的專家。

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在使用生長燈時,我們通常會強調藍光和紅光,因為葉綠素能夠有效地吸收這些波長的光。 然而,綠光往往被忽略,但它其實應該包含在生長燈的使用策略中,因為它對作物產量有顯著的影響。

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遠紅光對植物的影響相當廣泛,以至於有時會令人感到困惑、誤解,甚至存在爭議。 然而,對於室內種植者來說,如何策略性地應用遠紅光是一個很重要的課題。

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運用 UVA 光譜優化室內農業生產

在缺少自然陽光的情況下,室內農場要培育出外觀好看、營養豐富的作物得面臨不小的挑戰。 要克服這個問題,利用 UVA 光譜燈是一個極具潛力的解決方案。 研究顯示,適度的UVA光照可以促進水果的成熟,提升其甜度和風味。 室內農場若結合最佳化的UVA光譜,可提升農作物的品質,有效滿足消費者的需求。

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當我們談論光線和顏色時,常常會提到「色調」、「飽和度」和「亮度」等術語,但許多人都難以解釋這些術語或理解其重要性。 在這篇文章中,我們旨在闡釋這些術語,說明它們的重要性,並展示如何測量它們。

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