UPRtek upgraded RMA Warranty and Repair Services are now online

by | 2023/02/06

To improve the quality and convenience of customer service, UPRtek has launched an improved version of our online “Calibration and Repair Services,” along with “Track ticket status“.  These services began on February 6, 2023.  We encourage all of our customers and agents to use it.

UPRtek RMA online service

To request a service, you need only fill out an online Service and Request Form, after which we can correspond using email, or you can use our online “Track ticket status“.  To use the status inquiry, you need to register with us as a customer member – you can then track the progress and status at any time.

UPRtek Marketing Dept.
Nicole Yu
TEL: +886 37-580006 #8201
Email: mkt@uprtek.com