UV100N Spectral UV Meter

Versatile and Visual Lab-Grade UV measurement

Modern-day industrial wafer processing, polymer curing, medical sterilization and UV bulb production using UV light require more versatile, accurate spectral measurement devices to make sure UV light is used efficiently and optimally for light-critical applications.

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UV100N Spectral UV Meter

Photo by Arturo Castaneyra at Unsplash 

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UV100N Spectral UV Meter


The UV100N Spectral UV meter is designed to measure the quantity and quality of ultraviolet light used in various applications such as UV light manufacturing, industrial wafer processing, polymer curing, and medical sterilization.

They employ different types of UV light including:

  • UVA (320-400nm)
  • UVB (280-320nm)
  • UVC (100-280nm)

UV100N UV measurement

Specs at-a-glance

Specs at-a-glance
SensorCMOS Linear Image Sensor
Wavelength Range250 to 400 nm
Wavelength Data Increment1 nm
Spectral BandwidthApproximately 1 nm (Half Bandwidth)
Wavelength Reproducibility


Measurement Range

UVxA *1,4 : 315 to 400nm / 0.25 to 500 mW/cm2

UVB *2,4 : 280 to 315nm / 0.3 to 200 mW/cm2

UVC *3,4: 250 to 280nm / 0.2 to 300 mW/cm2



Stray Light-25 dB max.*5
Integration Time Range1 ms to 2,000 ms
Digital Resolution16 bits
Capture FunctionOne-time / Continuous
Operation ModeStandalone
Integration ModeAuto / Manual
Dark CalibrationAuto
Measuring Modes
  1. Basic Mode
  2. Spectrum Mode
  3. Logging Mode
  4. Browser Mode
  5. Option Mode
Measuring Capabilities
  1. Spectral Irradiance (mW/m2, mW/cm2)
  2. Joul (mJ/cm2)
  3. Peak Wavelength (????p)
  4. Peak Wavelength Value (????pV)
  5. Integration Time (I-Time)
  6. UVA Peak Wavelength(????a-p)
  7. UVA Peak Wavelength Value (????a-v)
  8. UVB Peak Wavelength (????b-p)
  9. UVB Peak Wavelength Value(????b-v)
  10. UVC Peak Wavelength  (????c-p)
  11. UVC Peak Wavelength Value(????c-v)
Footnotes *
  1. Tested under the 365 LED light source
  2. Tested under the 310 LED light source
  3. Tested under the 255 LED light source
  4. Temperature 23±2°C and relative humidity 50% or less
  5. Input monochromatic light and measure the stray light ratio at ±40nm

The problem with measuring UV light.

Unlike general lighting, the ultraviolet light industry lacks established specifications and global or industry standards. This has resulted in varying features and requirements for UV light applications including:

  • Wide range of wavelengths
  • Various industrial procedures
  • Specific material quantum properties
  • Variable light intensities
  • Different UV processing durations

Therefore, today’s UV measuring devices must be flexible and adaptable while maintaining uncompromising accuracy.

UV Sterilization Chamber

Misunderstandings about what is UV light.

UV or ultraviolet light is often mistaken for visible “violet” light.  However, most of UV light range exists below visible light (less than 380nm) and is not detectable by human vision.

This seemingly simple misunderstanding does exist in the market and adds to the confusion about what really is a UV light source.  

Ultraviolet Light Spectrum -Zedh-&-Gringer-CC-SA-3.0

Challenges facing UV Light Industry

As we mentioned, UV applications are varied and unregulated with complications.


  • Variability wavelength requirements –  Applications like UV light “curing” or “hardening” of polymer-like materials require different wavelengths of UV light depending on the polymer material’s molecular properties, requiring a flexible UV wavelength light measuring device.
  • Inadequate Filter Based UV Meters – Filter-based UV meters, which are 80% of the UV meter market, are incapable of accurate measurement for modern day applications.  Also, they must purchase and change out auxilliary sensors to measure different wavelengths. Finally, these meters only give “numerical” data (no spectrum).

Traditional Filter-based UV meters require multiple sensors

  • Impractical High-end scientific Instrumentation – These devices are used in research centers and are very accurate, but they are also bulky, slow, expensive, and not suitable for production lines or ad hoc measurements.
  • Insufficient Energy Stability and quality – Lesser quality UV light sources sometimes have insufficient and unstable intensity.  If your UV light source is deficient, this may lead to unreliable or inconsistent results in UV applications.
  • Limited UV light lifespan – UV light sources have a limited lifespan due to the consistently high energy coursing through a UV light.  This is a slow degradation in the light requiring periodic monitoring.

Introducing the UV100N Spectral UV Meter

The UV100N is a Spectral UV light source measurement device designed to address the shortcomings in the current UV light measurement market. Compared to traditional filter-based UV meters, they save time, are more accurate, and are easier to use.  

Here are the prominent features of the UV100N:

  • Handheld, portable
  • Single multi-wavelength probe
  • Spectral graph
  • Lab-grade accuracy

It is a handheld device, which makes it flexible for production lines or ad hoc spot-checking. It can be easily carried from factory to office to customer sites or to exhibitions.

UV100N Spectral UV Meter

It has a single multi-wavelength probe, eliminating the need for multiple probes.  It is suitable for manufacturing UV light sources in production lines.

The sensor unit is designed smaller and thinner (~20mm) than the base unit to allow measurement in spatially restricted situations or awkward angles.

20cm and 30cm sensor cables are available for scanning long UV strip lights to ensure consistency across the light. 

UV100N Single Sensor for Multiple Wavelengths

The spectral graph provides a much-needed visual perspective about UV light characteristics, providing quick assessment, and the ability to correlate with numerical data for validation and troubleshooting.

Both spectral graph and numerical data are easily preserved to Micro SD Card storage for later retrieval, statistical and trend analysis using Excel or other software.

Accuracy is paramount to UV measurement in modern applications, as UV wavelengths are measured within single-digit nanometers.  The UV100N is similar to high-end laboratory instrumentation and employs a diffraction grating to separate constituent UV wavelengths.  Traditional Filter-type UV meters use “filters” which are much less accurate. 

The difference is with the range of measurement called half bandwidth – the smaller, the better. A diffraction spectrometer (UV100N) can measure down to range of 1nm wavelength.  A filter type can be anywhere from 5-20 nm, and when you have that large a gap, you might be distorting the measurement of a single wavelength with other wavelengths within that range.  

UV100N Spectral Graph

UV100N, a single device for everything UV measurable.

UV light sources and applications are many and, for the most part, are unregulated. This presents varying requirements and challenges for a UV market demanding higher quality, accuracy, stability, and reliability.

Traditional filter-based UV meters are insufficient for measuring modern-day UV light-critical, multi-wavelength applications like Curing, Sterilization, or industrial wafer processing.

The UV100N was designed to fill the void, providing companies with an adaptable, convenient, and visual device that gives them high confidence in a Lab-grade device for delivering a high-end UV-related measurement for any application.

Industrial Wafer UV processing

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About UPRtek

United Power Research and Technology

UPRtek (est. 2010) is a manufacturer of portable, high-precision light measurement instruments; Handheld Spectrometers, PAR meters, Spectroradiometers, Light Calibration Solutions.

UPRtek HQ, R&D and manufacturing are all based out of Taiwan, with Worldwide representation through our certified Global Resellers.

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