UPRtek upgraded RMA Warranty and Repair Services are now online
To improve the quality and convenience of customer service, UPRtek has launched an improved version of our online “Calibration and Repair Services,” along with “Track ticket status”. These services began on February 6, 2023. We encourage all of our customers and agents to use it.
PG200N FW update ver.1.1.0.B35 – PSS draw you closer to Sunlight!
In 2020 of May, UPRtek updated PG200N FW ver.1.1.0.B35, which is focusing on the new metric PPS (Phytochrome Photostationary State, hereinafter referred to as PSS) to assist plant factories and agricultural lamps development. In addition, PG200N has added two functions of GRID analysis mode and COMPARE mode in this update.
Change of company contact information
Starting Jan. 1st of 2020, company information changed as following, change Chinese company name, English name, email address and website remain the same.
uSpectrum PC Software and uSpectrum APP is ready! – Make PG200N PAR Meter Completed!
uSpectrum spectrum analysis computer software and uSpectrum mobile application of Google Play and APP Store are ready to support the PG200N PAR Meter.
EOL (Product End of Life) Notice of MF250N Flicker Meter
Since UPRtek MF250N Flicker Meter launched in 2015, it has won several domestic and international awards. However, it will stop production and sales from 30th, Jun-2019 due to the field strategy and planning. After EOL of the MF250N Flicker Meter, UPRtek will continue to provide handheld measurement products beyond customer expectations. For more information, please visit the official website.
UPRtek EOL (Product End of Life) Announcement
With the progress of science and technology, the replacement of old products with the new generation of excellent products is a constant historical process. UPRtek is committed to communicating the relevant milestones of the EOL(End of Life) product and revealing its maintenance services. This policy came into effect on March 1, 2019.
UPRtek’s MK350S Premium Spectrometer Wins 2019 SAPPHIRE AWARDS【Tools and Tests in SSL Design】
UPRtek, the pioneer handheld spectrometers supplier for lighting industrial, has won the LEDs Magazine Sapphire Award in the category of Tools and Tests in SSL Design rely on the MK350S Premium Spectrometer. The award was presented at the Mandalay Bay Hotel and Convention Center in Las Vegas, NV on 28th-Feb., 2019.
EOL (Product End of Life) Notice of PG100N SPECTRAL PAR METER
We appreciated all valued customers support of UPRtek. With the progress of science and technology, the replacement of old products with the new generation of excellent products is a constant historical process. UPRtek PG100N Spectral PAR Meter will stop production and sales from 1st, Mar-2019 due to the field strategy and planning.
UPRtek Spectrometer-MK350S Premium Firmware Updated:Version 1.1.0.B27
UPRtek the pioneer handheld spectrometers supplier for lighting industrial, announced a new Firmware Update Version 1.1.0.B27 for MK350S Premium spectrometer. MK350S Premium is a Handheld Spectrometer with Muli-Functions in itself.
UPRtek MK350S Premium Spectrometer is shortlisted for the 2019 SAPPHIRE AWARDS Finalist!
We are proud to announce that UPRtek MK350S Premium Spectrometer was chosen as one of the top three finalists in the Tools and Tests in SSL Design Category for the LEDs Magazine Sapphire Awards.