Social Responsibility Policy
UPRtek adopts RBA (Responsible Business Alliance) as its framework, and its social responsibility policy is as follows :
Compliance with international government laws, including labor, environmental event and security regulation.
Liberty of Employment
Ensure that all work for employees is voluntary, non-coercive, non-mandatory in UPRTEK.
Treatment and Discrimination
For employer, child laborer, staff abusing and torturing is not allowed. UPRTEK have the faith with equality in employee hire events, rewards, job training, promotion, lay-off and retirement. Racial and ethnic discrimination, religion, physical disability and gender discrimination is prohibiting. Discriminating against family situation, union membership, political opinion and age is also prohibiting.
Salary and Welfare
Strictly compliance with international government salary laws and keep the company management widely opened and clear for the staff.
Health and Safety
To provide employees a healthy, safe and clean working environment, UPRTEK committed to promote the ISO45001 system specifications.
Environmental Protection
To protect the Earth’s environment, UPRTEK committed to promote the ISO14001 system and environmental product design as our own distribution.
Communication Mechanism
For internal part, well establishing communication system encourages staff to communicate with Management Dept directly and smoothly. As to UPRTEK company policy, we bulletin announcement and important messages through our website.
Code of Ethic
UPRTEK implement the highest honest standards of business behaviors and employee integrity. Working through proper management system, UPRTEK successful boycott the behaviors of bribery, corruption, cheating issue.
Responsible Sourcing of Minerals
UPRtek adopts a policy and exercise due diligence on the source and chain of custody of the tantalum, tin, tungsten, and gold in the products we manufacture to reasonably assure that we are sourced in a way consistent with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas or an equivalent and recognized due diligence framework.
Intellectual Property
UPRTEK respect and protect international customer technology, expertise, documents as achievement. Employees or suppliers shall sign appropriate confidentiality agreements to ensure that the customer information has been confidential.
UPRTEK actively participate the government and community activities, through promotional campaign to encourage business partner join the social activities.