What is the recommended measuring distance using UPRtek handheld spectrometer?
It depends on users’application needs. Users can adjust the distance of measuring based on their requirements.
For example, when a designer sets up the internal lighting and finds out that the light intensity is insufficient in a specific area, the general practices are to increase the numbers of the lights or adjust the installation of height from above to below to make the best display of the whole area. In the same way, you can fix it reversely when lights emit too much intensities. Therefore, users can quantify the light source, get the illuminance value (Lux) with MK350 series handheld spectrometers as well as adjust the numbers and height of the fixtures based on their needs on the current lighting demands. MK350 handheld spectrometers are the best helper to detect the light quality and intensity changes which improve the lighting visual experiences and meet the requirements of the energy saving needs.
Please refer to the example below:
When you move the light source from the surface of a table to a far space, the strength of the illuminance is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the source. Users need to consider this factor in lighting design.
Lux=candela (cd)/squared distance
If the candela (cd) is constant, the illuminace (lux) is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the source.
When the distance is 2, illuminance is quarter of it. When the distance is 3, illuminance is one ninth of it.
The following is an example sharing of the MK350S Premium-Spatial lighting research device. As can obviously be seen, the Lux intensity is different between the device which is displayed on the table surface as figure A and parallel to the table as figure B because the device’s height plus table’s thickness is about 30 cm. In this situation, the measuring position might affect the result in the MK350S Premium handheld spectrometer which receives the proper light intensity. Thus, the result will be a difference of nearly 300 lux.
The illuminance increases and decreases significantly regarding the increase and decrease of distance. Therefore, users can refer to the lighting regulations in public places.
Source: https://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/light-level-rooms-d_708.html
Release: 2018/7/10
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